Keto Beef Bacon Cheese Asparagus Spinach Roll

Keto Beef Bacon Cheese Asparagus Spinach Roll

Now that is a mouth full! I saw a recipe for these cheese sticks rolled in ground beef and bacon so I wanted to give it a try. It ended up morphing into this! I see a lot of keto friendly meals out there, but most will leave out veggies. Gotta get those veggies in! What I added in here was not enough and I will have a side salad too, but at least I got something shoved in there.

Ingredients: Most was from Trader Joes… all organic blah blah

  • 80% Lean 20% Fat Ground Beef
  • Trader Joes Mozzarella Sticks
  • 12 asparagus spears “cook in frying pan with some olive oil”
  • cup of spinach “cook in frying pan with some olive oil”
  • salt, pepper, garlic salt
  • BACON “cook 3 slices in microwave to get cripsy”
  • 1 egg
  1. Mix the beef, egg, and seasonings in a bowl…. cut back on the salt.. maybe 1/2 tbsp if that. the bacon def gives you salt!
  2. The mixture was a bit tough to work with so I flattened it all out on foil….
  3. Four mozzarella sticks lined up the middle…. add the veggies… add the 3 slices of bacon “crumpled”
  4. Roll that puppy up with the foil… go slowly
  5. Layout out the bacon and then unravel the foil to add to the bacon and wrap up!
  6. I spread some olive oil on top of it

Cooked at 400 for 30 minutes and checked internal temp till 165

MMMM nom nom!


Also be sure to check out my review of Kegenix Supplements where I use Kegenix Keto Meal & Kegenix Prime to get into ketosis fast and have clean energy to burn!


About the Author


Jack of all trades... master of none! Father of 3 awesome boys, husband to 1 amazing wife! Obstacle racer, procrastinator, computer nerd, trying not to follow the herd!

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