Review of Focus T25 | Insanity VS T25 | Equipment Needed

My Review of Shaun T’s Focus T25

t25timeforthatHey you… yeah you reading this…

Oh & Before You Leave…
Psst… 95+ Customer Comments At Bottom.
Want results? T-25 Works!

Oh and be sure to check out Shaun's new workout Insanity Max 30 here

You have been looking for a good honest review on T25 right? Well grab a cup of coffee and take 5 minutes to read my review. I never do any reviews of workouts I have not actually done and I walk you through each workout to give you a basic idea of what you can expect. The main things you can expect from T25 is RESULTS!!

You have your coffee? Go ahead and read below.

Well as you know most of us have done the Insanity workout and if you have done it then you know it is called Insanity for a reason! It’s INSANE!! Focus T25 works smarter and gives the best results you have ever seen in 25 minutes a day!

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When I do workout reviews I like to add the T25 review as I go along so they are fresh in my head. This one is going to be a bit choppy, but stick with me I will get through them. I am really loving the workout so far and at 25 minutes it is awesome! It goes by so fast and you get a great workout.

T25 ALPHA – CARDIO WORKOUT “First time done 6/29/2013”

  • OK well focus T25 came in the mail today! We got home from an early July 4th party and it was sitting there. We are also leaving for vacation tomorrow. Ugh… I decided to rock out some T25 at 8:30 at night. Here are my thoughts!
  • Awesome! That was 25 minutes of crazy!! There were a lot of cool new moves I have never done and a handful from Insanity & Asylum with some slight variation.
  • BURNOUTS! – So they have a segment called the burnout where you basically go back and do the power moves you worked up to in a few minute span. There were a few burnouts during the workout and they are tough!
  • This was a leg burning boy!! My legs are pretty sore since I upped my mileage in running this week, but it was tough!
  • All in all Focus T25 delivers in 25 minutes which is great!
  • CoolDown – Oh and they do have a 2 1/2 minute cool down segment as well which I did.
  • Here are some pics!

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Before & After My First Focus T25 workout… Phew Dripping In 25 Minutes! WIN!

T25 ALPHA – Speed 1.0 “First Time Done 7/9/2013

  • Well I did the first Cardio workout a week ago when it came, then we went on vacation so I did Cardio yesterday 7/8/20103 and wow today Speed 1.0
  • I have to say my legs were on FIRE!! I do like the agility factor added to this. A few pages taken from Insanity Asylum II which I did last year and it made me so much faster so I am curious to see how I will feel in about 3-4 weeks from now.
  • I will say this I felt like a SPAZ doing a lot of the moves lol, it took a few tries to get them right. I would say just watch the moves first then try them slowly… you will at least get the hang of them and the next time you do them you will be better. You can also watch Tanya for the modified moves which I did a few times as well.
  • I also took a few more breaks then cardio, but only 5-10 seconds each and like I said before I would follow the modified moves as well if I need more of a break.
  • Overall and awesome workout and only 25 minutes!

ALPHA T25 – Total Body Circuit “First Time Done 7/10/2013”

  • Well it is called Total Body Circuit for a reason and this one had me breaking!!
  • There is a lot of Plank and Push up action in this one. All I can say is if you have not done push ups in awhile you are in trouble!! Again just do the modified moves on your knees if you have too. I was lucky that I had a decent push up foundation from doing P90X & Insanity.
  • I think I took the most breaks in this workout. There was a good amount of squats as well and I was really burning!


APLHA T25 Ab Interval “First Done 7/15/2013”

  • I was pretty tight from the Rugged Maniac 5K Obstacle Race we did on Saturday and this workout really loosened me up! I liked how it had you doing ab work then you would go into some cardio work. It was a nice switch up and kept you sweating.
  • By the time I got to the AB Pyramid I was beat, but then I looked at the clock and there was only a few minutes left… phewww
  • I am writing this 7/16/2013 and my abs are sore! There were a lot of great moves to hit your abs from all angles

ALPHA T25 Lower Focus “First Done 7/16/2013”

  • OH man this was a leg burner! I also ran 3.16 miles this morning so that was prob not the best idea! You are doing a lot of squat work, lunges and the like to really fire up those quads. You also get some good calve work in as well.
  • This is one of those workouts where you want to cry from the burn in your legs, but if you can push it out and get through the next few weeks your foundation is going to be solid as a rock!
  • When I get a month out from my Spartan Race I am definitely adding this one in to the training!


  • I always like to give an ongoing summary of how the workout is going and toss in some tips!
  • The workout is great and it is 25 minutes. Cannot beat that. For instance I normally do my workout during my lunch break so this has been great since it is a lot shorter. Yesterday I could not do the workout at lunch so I had to do it at home. By the time the kids were to bed it was 8:30 last night. Normally if I had to do an hour workout I would not have done it, but since T25 is only 25 minutes it was mentally a no brainer! Love that.
  • The 25 minutes goes by fast, but you get a killer sweat.
  • After each workout there is a 2-3 minute cool down so at least take advantage of that. If you feel like stretching more then by all means do so.

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Focus T25 Vs The Insanity Workout

I get this question a lot so I wanted to break down a few things about both workouts… Also you can read my full in depth Insanity review here

  • First off both will get your results. They are great workouts.
  • T25 has a modifier… meaning one person does moves that are a bit easier if you cannot do the regular moves. Insanity does not.
  • In T25 every workout is 25 minutes. With Insanity workouts range from 30 – 55 minutes
  • Insanity is all body movements, no weights or bands. In T25 you can use bands and some weights.
  • As Shaun T says… Insanity is harder, but T25 is smarter. I would agree….
  • Both are 60 day workouts

Overall like I said you will get results from either. In fact as long as you are doing some sort of activity and eating right you are going to get results. All these at home workouts I review are created to streamline your results and make it easier for you. At the end of the day it is moderation and consistency that is going to get you the results you crave. I mean after the 60 days of either of these workouts what are you going to do? Stop? Go back to old habits? You will need to create a lifestyle change that will include healthy eating and exercise in any form to stay healthy. Just my 2 cents 😉

There you have it! My real focus T25 review!

arrowClick Here to try it for yourself… With a money back guarantee you have nothing to lose except some fat 😉


About the Author


Jack of all trades... master of none! Father of 3 awesome boys, husband to 1 amazing wife! Obstacle racer, procrastinator, computer nerd, trying not to follow the herd!

Follow FitDadChris:

  • I would really love to try this workout!! I’m hoping it works, and I will stick to this!! Thank you so much!

    • Chris says:

      Hey Kim how are you making out with T25? This is def my go to workout when I am in a time crunch!! The 25 minutes goes so fast. Would love to hear how you are doing with it.

  • KevinL says:

    I have done Insanity, so I am curious do I need to do this workout? What is the real difference?

  • Bob Hernandez says:

    Hey Chris, I am interested in this workout. How does it compare to Insanity?

    • Chris says:

      Hey Bob and Kevin below, I get this question a lot and I am actually going to add a section above to answer it, but the short of it is this… they will both give you results. T25 has a modifier so if you are just starting out you can follow her, Insanity does not… If time is an issue T25 is only 25 minutes long and Insanity ranges from 30-55 minutes long. It is all preference, but both are going to get your results if you stick to them. Check above for a bit more detail. Hope that helps!

  • Nicole says:

    Hey chris,

    So what about someone who isn’t in good shape? The past year I’ve really let myself go, stopped playing soccer and gained more weight than I find acceptable. I wake up to T25 infomercials every morning and can’t seem to being myself to actually buy it because I think it may be too “advanced” for me. Thoughts?

    • Chris says:

      Hey there. There is a person doing modified moves “where are not as hard, but still work ya” the whole time which is great so if you cannot follow Shaun T you follow Tanya. That is one of the things I love about the workout. In reality even if you are in shape the first 2 weeks will be tough so might as well jump in and get going! 😉

  • Tanya says:

    I would not worry about the T-25 workout series if you were recently (within a year) pretty active.
    I walk my dog twice a day for about 45 min (fast but not jogging) each time but that’s all the exercise I get. 10 years ago I used to be in karate and was in the best shape, but eventually I broke my leg and developed a thyroid condition and in 3 months I’d gained 25 pounds. Despite weight counseling from my GP and a dietician and a 1600 cal/day diet for 4 years (including going vegetarian for 2 years, losing no weight, then doing a 180 and trying a low-carb lifestyle for a year and also losing no weight – all under doctor supervision) I was so frustrated. Now I was 37 years old, 5’9″ and weighed almost 180. I was so unhappy with not only my rolls of flab but my lack of stamina and weakened muscles.
    I ordered T-25 and ok…I’ve only done 8 workouts so far…but it’s really good. To be honest, at this point I have to stick with ‘the modifier’ but I give it all I have and I feel good at the end. And if I can do it, I’m certain you can – if you were active in other spots and have done other workouts. The time does go fast (30 min including the cool-down) and I’m hot and sweaty, so I guess that’s something. Muscles a bit sore, but not in a ‘I can’t move’ way – more of a ‘ohhh, I feel like I really had a workout’ kind of way.

    • Chris says:

      Tanya you rock!! That is great to hear. Really makes me happy. Sometimes with certain moves I think the modifier is actually harder LOL….

      I am really glad they have the modified moves in this workout, because I would even do some for certain moves, but eventually you will be right there with Shaun T.

      Please keep me posted as you go further. I always tell people those first 2 weeks are killer with any new workout, but into that 3rd and 4th week you are really going to see the difference and actually start get good at doing the moves.

      Again love to hear this! Keep going! Focus!

  • Justin says:

    Hey Chris, I have 2 questions…When I start working out I tend to gain weight rather than loose it, which I cannot afford to do. Do you think this will happen with t 25? It seems like a lot of muscle gain, so it is likely with my body type. Maybe after a month or so, it would be more likely to come off?

    Also, I hear a lot of people that do t25 say they don’t know if they should do the alpha phase again if they cant do all the moves or move onto beta even if they cant. I wonder this too. Thoughts?

    Sounds like a great program though!

    • Chris says:

      Well gaining weight, building muscle etc… will go hand in hand with your diet. You are going to need more calories to GROW so you will really have to check out your calorie intake and your BMI etc….

      With T25 you will tone muscle and lose fat, it is definitely a muscle growth type working, but your muscles will grow if that makes sense. Diet is key!

      Also weight gain and how your clothes fit are a good indicator. Many times you might gain some weight,but your pants are looser. That is a good thing.

      As for doing alpha again that is fine… You could even swap out some beta workouts as well if you wanted to. In the end even if beta is tough it might be worth it to just work through it. Your body will adjust. Keep me posted!

  • Nathan says:

    I’m 15 6’2″ 278lb now for about four years I’ve been trying to lose my weight for tried insanity but injured myself three weeks in my father bought t25 so I figured eh I’ll try it the first two weeks I didn’t really take it seriously so I just stayed my weight (which was at the time 288) so I talked to my father and so after that talk about my weight I started taking it seriously eating right(1200 cals or less) and taking in more water for the third and fourth week and I’ve lost ten pounds for two weeks but a net of 9 but my question is its that enough calories? My father says it’s still to low. And if you guys want to see my progress go on YouTube at milkersdegreat2 and there’s proof this workout called t25 works

    • Chris says:

      Hey buddy. Good work but yea that is very low for calories.
      You def need to be takin in more I would say shoot for at least 3000 calories a day. You are a big dude and your body needs it and if you are working hard you def need it. How are you feeling at 1200 calories a day? You cannot sustain that for too long. Just make sure you are eating the right calories. Keep up the good work but start eating 😉

  • Nancy says:

    I’ve had my second hip replacement, so my range of motion is not the best. Wondering if this workout would be too much for me?

    • Chris says:

      Hey congrats on getting through that!! The good thing in T25 is there is one person doing modified moves which are not as intense, but still very active. I would say depending on how long ago the replacement was. How long ago was it? Have you been doing anything else in the mean time, running, biking etc? What has your doctor told you as far as activity?

      • Nancy says:

        4 months ago. I have been biking and walking on a treadmill. I’m released to regualr activity just so I don’t put myself in major type pain. I’m in my early 40’s and have always been held back because of the pain. Now I’m hoping to get past all that and finally get fit for the first time in my life.

        • Chris says:

          Great to here! Well all I could say with T25 is give it a shot and see how you feel. They do offer a 30 day money back guarantee so if it is just too much for you then return it. I know that a lot of people love T25 because it is only 25 minutes, but if time is not an issue you could check out P90X The workouts are just about an hour… add 15 min if you do the ab workout. You are not bopping and jumping around as much, but you are doing a lot more with weights or resistance bands. I am just glad you are doing something. Keep it up and let me know what you decided.

  • B says:

    Hi Chris,

    Im glad I found this site while researching t25. I watched a segment on Dr. Oz where they did a quick 5 minute workout for t25 and I enjoyed it. I think this is something that would work with my busy schedule and family. I desperately need to lose the baby weight and want to be healthy for my family and it’s time I do something for me. I work really early in the morning and do not have an area where I could do this workout with out waking my husband or kids. How effective would this be in the evening say around 5:30 -6:00 when I finally get home? Thanks for your time!

    • Chris says:

      This will work whatever time you do it. I know it’s tough at night after a long day but the 25 minute time helps a lot in that area. Keep us posted!!

  • Minerva says:

    does this really work ?? my question is i have a big belly due to belly fat and i cant get rid of it what in this video targets that ?

    • Chris says:

      Hey there. Belly fat is tough for sure. Losing that fat will come down to diet and having a calorie deficit. T25 can help with this. Follow the diet plan stick to the workouts and you will be on your way. You are always working your core during the workouts which is great for strengthening your abs and toning them.

  • Hunter says:

    T25 is awesome! Just wanted to add my 2 cents here. Mentally the 25 minute workout is great. Even on the days I am dragging I still get the workout in because I know it’s only 25 minutes. I am about 3 1/2 weeks in to this work out and have lost about 6 pounds. I feel great and have more energy and I feel so much stronger. If you were on the fence about getting it just go ahead and buy it you will be in the best shape of your life. I cannot wait for the next month and see where I am at. Your review is spot on too. Nice work!

  • Sabrina says:

    I finally broke down and ordered the T25 and started it last Monday. I followed all the steps for the 5 day jump start. I have to say I have lost 10 lbs and 6 inches on my first weigh in. I know it will slow down now. Chris can you tell me what I may expect in the next 8 weeks? I am 5ft 2 and my normal weight is 105 to 110..I got up to 131 and was bound and determined to get my figure back. So far I am loving the workout…would highly recommend. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    • Chris says:

      Woo hoo Sabrina! Nice work. all I can say is keep going yes the weight-loss may slow down but just keep with your diet and keep working out. You will start to get stronger and add more muscle which will help you burn more fat as you go on. You also have to remember even after the next eight weeks you need to figure out what you will be doing going forward. At the end of the day all of these workouts work and it’s not just about the 60 days or the 90 days it’s about what you were going to do after to continue getting results and staying fit. Of course we also lack but if we just go back to our old ways we are going to end up in the same exact position we were before. Hope that makes sense and please keep me posted on how you doing I’m so happy for you

      • Kathy Middleton says:

        Chris I just finished my first week of t25. I have been in and out of good phsyical shape last few years. enjoy t25. i am about 25 lbs overweightthat i put on over the last year. prior to that i was in really good shape. but im 5 10 so it doesnt look that bad i weight about 170. i just wannt loose about 10 lbs and really tone up look firm do you see t 25 doing this for me. along with eating right. i was a huge gym rat and runner before dont have time for it anymore. also what do you suggest after finishing t25?

        • Chris says:

          Hey congrats on finishing the first week? How did you do with it? Struggle? Easy? Barely go through it? Dropping 10lbs is a no brainer with T25. Keep that diet in check. At the end of the day it is being in calorie deficit so I would start journaling what you eat. I have always said a good goal is 1-2 lbs of real fat loss a week. So 10lb is def attainable. please keep me posted!

  • jen says:

    Hello Chris my first workout was today,, and got little sweat going it bad to stick w modify part? I feel like I don’t have rhythm and my boobs hurt from all bounce…DDD and wore to, should I just stick to t25 or should I do other stuff as well,, I been going to gym for 4 years and feel like iam on stand still w it,, but did lose 30pds in those years,,,just wanted to make sure doing acouple workouts is ok or not

    • Chris says:

      Ha TMI on the DDD lol …. JK all good! Yeah modified is fine, in fact I think sometimes the modified moves actually look a bit hard cause you have more control. Yeah you can def add another with T25 if you feel up to it. I do that often to be honest. You will get the rhythm def takes a few trys to get it. Took me about 2 weeks till I felt pretty good on most moves.

  • Richie White says:

    I have done insanity and had to give it up after 2 weeks,as my knees were in agony.Will this have the same effect?

    • Chris says:

      Yeah knee pain is never fun. The great thing about T 25 is they have a modifier doing modified moves. Which basically means they are doing things that are easier on the knees and the body in the hole but you were still getting a great workout.

  • Lori says:

    Can you tell me about the weight workouts? I just completed P90X3 & loved it but I really missed having weight days.

  • Nigel T. says:

    Hey Chris…enjoyed your review of the program. I’m writing to get your opinion on whether or not I would be able to do most of the exercises in T25 with a disability. My arm suffered nerve damage from birth and I can not put my body weight on it such as when a preview of the program showed an ab exercise in plank formation. This along with other types of exercises, even with the modified versions, give me hesitation. I know I would get a lot out if this workout regardless, but could you tell me how much of the program is potentially outside of my physical abilities? Picture yourself with only the use of one arm & attempt any feedback from that perspective. Thank you much!!

    • Chris says:

      Hmm interesting… guess 1 armed pushups it is 😉 I would say you might miss out on 20-25% of the moves depending on which workout it is. Like the speed, alpha cardio, lower focus etc… you will be fine with but other workouts will have you using your arms a bit more. I think in the end you can create your own modifications. I am sure you have been doing that your whole life 😉 Give it a go, they do offer a money back so if it ends up being too much just return it. Let me know how you do and if you come up with your own modifications to share. Thanks!

      • Michelle says:

        Chris, I’m just curious, you keep mentioning do something else after 60 days. Is T25 just a 60 day program and then you don’t continue with it? I am in shape. I lost 20 lbs last year by doing Tabata, Tae Bo and weights. I now lift weights and doFitness Kickboxing. I like to change it up to see results. Is T25 something that you complete and then do something different and then go back to it again at some other point in the year? Thanks.

        • Chris says:

          Hey congrats on the weight-loss. You could keep doing T 25 over and over again if you wanted to I just think sometimes you might get bored so you could switch to something else and jump back in whenever you want but yes it is a 60 day program

  • Bill says:

    Can a person who has had a total hip replacement do the T25 work out?

    • Chris says:

      Hey Bill… how is the hip holding up? I would say if you follow the modified moves, but it also depends on how long ago you had the replacement and what your activity level is like now. I would also of course ask your doctor.

    • Amy says:

      Hey Bill I just had a total hip replacement in December (6 months ago) and I am on week 4 of T25 — I struggle with the lunges, squats and with balance but if you take your time the hip replacement shouldn’t bother you. I do notice that I have a lot more strength on the hip side that wasn’t replaced and I am doing separate exercises to increase muscle and balance on my replaced hip side. Always check with your Dr. first but if they have released you yes you can do this work out!

  • Abigail says:

    Will this help get rid of like, extra thigh and arm flab/fat? That’s my main target, and I wasn’t sure if the T25 would help with that or just add muscle definition…?

    • Chris says:

      Flab and fat all go bye bye when you are putting yourself in a calorie deficit with diet and exercise… so YES if you follow the workouts, follow the diet plan you will lose fat and the arm/thigh flab ;-). Don’t be scared about muscle… more muscle burns more fat and that is good. I hear so many women say they don’t want to “get big” go ahead I dare ya… Get big. It is very hard to pack on slabs of muscle… go get lean!!

  • Lori says:

    girl…you need an Under Armor sport bra. I had the same prob till I invested in a good sports bra. Jumping never feels good when your “endowed” so strap those puppies down to save yourself the pain. I’m on my 1st week of T25…barely made it trough some parts but what an awesome workout.

  • Abigail says:

    Another question! What if I can’t follow the diet to a tee?? Will that alter the results I would get from the program?

    • Chris says:

      I would try to stick to the diet 90% of the time for best results. Eating healthy is a huge part of all of this. If you are working hard, but eating junk you are not going to get the results you want simple as that.

  • can says:

    SO i just want to lose arm and belly fat… I want to keep my curves (hips thighs and butt and my boobs) lol is t25 still a good choice? Or is there anything you would reccomend

    • Chris says:

      I mean end of the day it will be weight loss that will help you reach your goal. Everyone is different though. You may lose weight in your boobs more or your thighs. Overall T25 will give you a great total body workout and will help you tone up all parts of your body. The reality is you probably will lose weight in your breasts.

  • Jack R says:

    Hey Chris,
    I enjoyed reading your review of t-25. Cool how you encourage all us as well. It’s my Third day on T-25 and I really do love it! It is pretty hard. Had to stop a few times but I’m determined to reach my goals. Don’t know if I can do the double on Friday but I will try. Mind you I haven’t exercised In quite a few years.

  • Eric says:

    Hey Chris, I’m doing T25 in the morning (at 5:15AM) and Insanity at night (around 8 PM)… Do you think I will survive?
    It has been 2 weeks, and so far i’m OKAY… I guess… When i’m really tired, I still try to push myself and take break if necessary.. but
    Do you think i will get better result by doing both programs everyday?

    • Chris says:

      Dang you are a beast. I think you might burn out to be honest! You are working out a lot and I can’t see you getting that much sleep to be honest.

      A lot of people forget how important recovery is. I would say if you are going to stick with this maybe stop doing one or two of the 5am workouts so you can actually sleep a bit more.

      You are burning a lot of calories doing both. If you are feeling good that is great, but 2 weeks of this… I think more you are going to burn out. No sense in going all crazy for a few weeks only to burn out and either stop or get hurt and be out for months.

      Make sense?

  • Greg says:

    Hey Chris, stumbled on this from a Google search. I TRIED to do the Alpha Cardio 45 minutes ago, but had no idea what I was doing, and decided to stop after 5 minutes before I hurt myself, flailing like an idiot(I was also frustrated). Any tips on how to figure these moves out? Shaun T was no help at all. He barely explained ANYTHING, and it was hard for me to really see what anybody was doing.

    • Chris says:

      Did you try following Tanya with the modified moves? You can also just watch the moves hit pause practice and go back to it. I know it won’t be fun or fast at first, but you will get it. Took me a few weeks to really feel great with them, but I was still sweating regardless lol

  • Amanda Gerdeman says:

    I have completed t25 and lost 19lbs! I am amazed with my results! I just still have some unwanted baby weight that I’m having a hard time loosing. I can see my stomach is toning up but just can’t get it flat again. What do you suggest I do now that I’ve completed the workout to flatten my stomach? I really don’t want to loose to much more weight. Thanks!

    • Chris says:

      Congrats that is really awesome that is something to be proud of. Are you up for doing t25 again or are you looking for something new to do. If you do another round of 25 just adjust your calories and eat a few more so you can stay at the same weight but tone muscle.

  • megan henry says:

    Do you think T25 will render the same results as Barry’s Bootcamp?

    • Chris says:

      Hey Megan how are you? I have never heard of that, but in the end if you follow any workout, get your nutrition on track you will get results. There are so many workouts and tools out there you just have to pick one and make it happen!!

  • Marie says:

    I’m 54 years old, 5’1″, 135lbs. I never see results for those my age. I know we lose weight differently as we age, and we have different concerns. I would like to lose about 15 lbs and it has been the toughest thing for me to do over the years. I think I eat healthy, salad/chicken or fish for lunch, hard boiled egg and I blend for breakfast, dinner is a salad/chicken or I step outside for a little pasta along with the salad. I don’t eat a lot that’s for sure. And I do occasionally cheat with a small bag of cookies. I guess I’m on the low end for calories. Do I have to take a protein drink after? Will I still lose and tone my body? Will the exercises help with tightening skin? I’m concerned if I lose the weight, at my age the skin will sag with the loss. Any words of wisdom you can give would appreciated. I started T25 two weeks ago and I like it. I haven’t measured myself but friends have asked if I’ve lost weight.

    • Chris says:

      Hey congrats! It is great to see people in their 50’s doing these workouts. I hope to be doing them well into my 70’s or 100’s 🙂 Seems like you might be eating a little less then you should actually. T25 is a good calorie burner so you want to fuel your body. I think taking a shake would be great. Have you looked at the shakeology? I love that drink and it is as important to me as air… been drinking every day for the last 2 years. As far as the skin sagging that is usually with rapid fat loss. Our goal here is to get the results gradually and not just turn this into some 60 day event, but a lifestyle change that will continue on. So keep up the hard work and you are not getting older just getting better 😉

  • Jamie says:

    I hope you don’t mind my asking a question?

    I just completed the Insanity program and I started T25 yesterday. Although I still have some weight to lose and flab to firm, I am SO happy with my results from Insanity.

    I decided to try T25 because I am a mom to a toddler and my day is full. I workout during nap time so with Insanity, I only had time for the workout and not much else, like housework, lol!

    Do you think T25 will help me continue losing inches? I worry that because it isn’t as challenging, I may lose the muscle and definition I worked for and not have further results?!

    Thanks for the review and the time to read my inquiry.

    Digging deep,


    • Chris says:

      I hear ya about nap time! I have 3 boys under 4!!!
      You could always start with the insanity warmup and then jump into T25.. I do the insanity warmup before I do anything so with the warmup, T25 and cool down you are looking at just about 38 minutes total. Incorporating the warm up will get you dripping and ready to burn even more calorie.

      I think you would do fine either way just keep the diet in check!

  • Michelle says:

    I started T25 last week and my ankles and knees are killing me. I switched to modified and was wondering if anyone else has seen results when sticking to the mostly modified version? Thanks!

    • Chris says:

      Sorry you are sore. That is normal, just be careful if it gets painful. As far as the modified version I think some of the modified moves can be harder because they are more controlled. You will get results either way that is for sure and it seems with your soreness it is the best way to go as of now. Keep me posted

    • Leondra says:

      I have been doing the modified version. I have completed the Alpha round and I am now on Beta. I have lost 8lbs. My thighs are biggger which is a plus for me but the down side is I am a nurse and almost busting out of my scrub pants. However in the waist area my pants are looser. I love it. I hope this helps. I have no cartilage in my right knee so I have to follow Tonya because all the jumping around causes more pain.

      • Chris says:

        Great job! Yikes no cartilage! If you are a nurse I am sure there is an opportunity to share how you are getting in great shape with others. If you are interested in doing it as a business just hit me up here

        I know a few nurses who really do well and are helping patients get in great shape with Beachbody workouts! Keep up the good work

  • Chris says:

    Good review! I am 53 yrs old, 6 ft 230lbs when I started. 25 minutes is a huge plus. About to finish week 3 of Alpha, now down to 220. 1st goal is to reduce weight to 200, would ideally like to get to 190, possibly 185. My conditioning is not great, my core is very weak- really struggle to make it through Total Body circuit. Also have some problems with lower back with the AB Intervals, not sure my form is always good…working on it and will not give up!

    • Chris says:

      Awesome man great to hear! Yeah your core will get stronger and stronger. I have been having great core work with P90X3 Pretty awesome.

      Keep at it and stay in touch!

      • Chris says:

        One thing I have been fighting is fatigue- sometimes I feel extremely run down. I expected some soreness and stiffness, could it be diet related? I have cut out almost all sweets, sugars, etc. I try to eat 5 times per day and am very conscious about nutritional content. It is almost like a cumulative effect, I have upped my food intake a bit and it seems to have helped some. Does this sound normal? Could it be the effects of change in diet and exercise?

        • S. Smith says:

          Fatigue could come from many factors including overtraining, getting adjusted to your new way of eating, and even hormonal imbalance (and thyroid problems, amongst other things). It can also be due to eating too little. Make sure you haven’t cut back too far on your calories. Then, give your new way of eating a chance- I know a few years ago when I started eating clean I suffered from extreme fatigue and headaches in the beginning. This will pass. Make sure you aren’t overtraining either. If nothing helps and you are still fatigued, you may need to get some blood work done just to make sure there is nothing else going on.

  • christa says:

    Hi Chris…appreciate all the info you provide. I’m 61 and just starting week 4 of T25 Alpha. I confess the diet has been haphazard–my lack of focus!–but I’m feeling stronger.

    I still have to do modifications on some of the routines, so should I go through the alpha phase one more cycle before starting Beta?

    • Chris says:

      Wow congrats! That is great. If you are feeling strong and not getting sore anymore I would just hop right into beta… you can still follow the modifications and it will be a change of pace mentally and physically 😉 Beta is tough, but you got this 😉

  • Stephanie says:

    Hi Chris!
    I’m on day 3 of T25..Wowzers am I sore today but it feels good! I’ve been drinking a ton of water at work and stretch when I get home before I do the work out. I can’t wait to start to see results. I loved reading all the fedback on this site. I must say the hardest part for me is going to be the change in food. I’m such a picky eater but thats something I’m really going to keep focus on. Keep on Keepin on!

    • Chris says:

      Great work! Yeah keep the diet in check and at least cut out a lot of the junk foods if that is your weak point. You will see those results just stick with it!

  • essam says:

    hi, i started T 25 4 weeks ago , i missed a few days in week 3 and 4 so i have started week 4 again. I was 61kg the first day i started t 25 , now I’m 59.5.

    I have flabby thighs and even though I think i am losing weight from tighs they are still flabby , the skin is not tight. Can you guide me about that and if I’m doing some thing wrong. Or will this take time?

    • Chris says:

      Hey there good work! It will take time. When you do have some “flab” it will take time for the fat to go away and the skin to tighten. Depending on how much skin it may take awhile or even surgery. I am not sure your situation, but if you ever see extremely obese people lose 100+ pounds they often times need surgery to get rid of loose skin. That is probably not your case, but thought I would mention it.

  • geraldyn says:

    Thanks Chris for the review. you mentioned T25 requires some weight. can share what types of weights (barbell or plates)? I do not have any equipment at home.

    • Chris says:

      More like dumbbells, and if you do not have them you can use those resistance bands. In fact T25 comes with a resistance band so you are good to go!

  • Kasey says:


    Thanks for your honest review, Im 6’1 260lbs and have always been a non believer with these work out videos that show a semi fit guy with ripped abs “after” using the program. I want to see the guys my in my height and weight category after they have done the program. I’m leaning towards the program but still not convinced.

    I need something because Im a correctional officer and at age 35 im not getting any younger and the people getting arrested are.

    • Chris says:

      Hey Kasey I had emailed you as well. Good talking, but figured I would write here as well. Any program will get you results if you do one thing… FOLLOW IT! That is the hard part.. actually sticking with it, changing your diet, and putting in the time. You might have to do the 60 day program a few times which is fine, because you don’t just stop after the 60 days anyway, you need to keep up the healthy lifestyle. If I were you I might look at some P90X3 as well since it uses a bit more weights and as a correctional officer I would think strength is probably very important?

  • Perry Hood says:

    T25 where the T stands for Tendonitis
    My wife did the program for a month and developed Tendonitis in both elbows.
    I did the program for 2 months and now i have Tendonitis in both elbows and can’t workout at all. Not worth the pain and now I can’t do anything.

    • Chris says:

      Dang Perry sorry to hear that! Never fun dealing with pain issues. Any particular move you think that may have caused it or gives you pain? Typically tendonitis happens from over use and inflammation… the only cure is really ice and rest from the task you have been doing.

      Considering T25 is only 25 minutes and the moves are all varied I would just make sure your form is spot on when doing anything where you are putting stress on the elbows.

      Keep me posted with your recovery.

  • Brian says:

    Great review! I am 6′ and started T25 at 220lbs. I am just wrapping up the Alpha phase tomorrow and currently weigh 208lbs! I feel pretty good and my diet has been awesome. I have been reading a lot about diet and getting cut and almost every article says to make sure to include a cheat meal each week, do you agree? Says it keeps you focused but also shocks the body. Also what should I expect in Beta, I still struggle with many of the alpha workouts, specifically the total body workout, I often need to modify or even take a rep or two off…..should I still move onto Beta?

    • Chris says:

      Hey great work!!! Yeah a cheat meal is fine, just dont let it turn into a cheat week 😉 It def helps you mentally as well. I would say the same for moving to beta. Physically it will be tougher, but mentally it is something new and exciting so I would say jump into it and do the best you can. You can always modify and hey even if you need a break that means you are getting a kick butt workout right 😉

  • Frederick says:

    I did 3 rounds of Insanity and one of Tapout XT so I took a break (a couple of weeks) and decided to go for T25 because I wanted something shorter and less “insane”. I’m 42, and I’ve always been in good shape and I live a healthy lifestyle. My fist week of T25 (Alpha) was motivating. I finished each workout and I felt great. It was no cake walk but I managed.

    HOWEVER, by the end of week 2, I started struggling, especially with squats and lunges. By week 3 I started switching mostly to the modified versions (no jumping, no hopping, no pulsing). On week 4 I could only do the modified versions and could barely, if any,do squats and lunges. On the final week of Alpha I skipped squats and lunges altogether. So, I’m getting frustrated and need to find a replacement move for squats and lunges. I simply cannot do them without feeling pain in my knees and lower back. I can do the modified versions of the other moves but squats and lunges don’t have modified versions, Tanya (Tonya) does the same as everybody else. Are there any substitute moves for those? I don’t want to give up. If I managed Insanity before, I should be able to handle T25 but my body can no longer handle squats and lunges (especially lunges). I feel that if I can’t do something else in place of squats and lunges, I will have to stop because these workouts include a hell of a lot of squats and lunges in many combinations. Any advice will be appreciated. I haven’t started Beta because of this. Thanks!!!

    • Chris says:

      Sounds like you might need to do some real hard core stretching! You sound like you are extra tight!!

      I would look into that, but also if you remember in insanity the belt kicks? I always find those as a good replacement. Lunges can tweak my knees as well sometimes. not fun. You can try not going all the way down and see how that feels. It really is hard to substitute those moves ya know.

      There is a lot of lunge squat action I know and it is tough. Maybe you just need a week of rest. I know not what you want to hear, but sometimes we have to listen to our bodies

  • Elena says:

    Hi Chris! Great review of the program. I’m 31, 5’6 and about 155 lbs with a goal of getting to around 140 and improving my overall cardiovascular fitness. Today was my 3rd day doing the T25 program and I’ve done the Cardio 1.0 workout each day. My thinking is that I don’t want to move on to disk 2 until I’ve gotten through disk 1 comfortably-without stopping and with good form. Today I got through the whole workout doing a combination of the regular moves and some modifiers, so I think I will move on to disk 2 tomorrow. My question is this: do you think that strategy will impact the effectiveness of the program? Should I just follow the day to day schedule whether I’ve struggled to complete the workout or not? Any feedback would be appreciated.

    • Chris says:

      Hi there. Yes follow the program, it was created like that for a reason ;-). If you do the same workout you will not give those muscles a chance to recover.

  • james says:

    I recently started running, preparing for 5ks. Will T25 still allow me to run a few days a week?

    • Chris says:

      Oh yeah! It is a perfect supplement to getting ready for 5k’s.How much are you running? If you can run a 5k in a good pace you are prob in a good place. If you can only run a mile or two as of now you might want to run at least 3 times a week as well as t25

  • Michelle berry says:

    Hi chris
    I have just started the t25 workout today! I loved it!
    My problem is I do run 2 miles in morning and found that doing this workout really hurt my calves with all the jumping around and the fact of my morning run I do.. Also worried my calves might get to bulky.. Will they or am I just being a wimp :/ ?!
    Thanks Michelle x

    • Chris says:

      I don’t believe your calves will get too bulky, but you may have bigger than average calves. I would say take it easy on the running if you are doing it everyday and stretch twice as much. I run as well and notice the calve tightness when I started as well. Just overworked and needed that extra stretching and a bit less running in the begging of focus t.

  • Daniel says:

    i really want to do this work out it seems pretty good, but i want to build some muscle and im thinking of buying some protein supplements, do you think that will help?

    • Chris says:

      What kind of shape are you in know. You will get toned and lose weight, but t 25 is not going to get you huge if that is what you are after

  • Virginia says:

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your sharing. T25 is awesome. and i tried the 1st month. it worked for me. but due to some issue i stopped and sadly gained some or even more weight back.

    I started insanity. now hitting the 4th week. I Sleep 7 to 8 hours everyday. and do insanity in the morning before my work, burning around 400 to 450 cals.
    ( still have to take some breaks in between). I feel great in the morning after workout, but quickly I feel I want to workout more. Im thinking to add T25 in lunch time ( i live very close to my working place ). maybe 3 times a week ?

    I aim to burn more calories and would like to build muscles getting abs sooner. so was thinking jumping into gamma directly. since theres some weight lifting.

    Do you think its fine ? do you have any suggestions ?


    • Chris says:

      I think sticking to insanity alone should be enough. If you really feel like you can do an extra t25 workout in there then give it a shot, just dont burn yourself out.

  • Kayla says:


    I’m planning on starting T25 tomorrow as my friend is doing it and seeing awesome results. But my question is, do I have to follow the nutrition plan? Or can I do my own thing as long as I’m still eating healthy ?

    • Chris says:

      I would say go over it and learn a few things here and there. I also guess it depends on what you think eating healthy is 😉 Everyone has there take on it, but at the end of the day if you want to drop the pounds it is calories in vs calories out. You need to make sure you are creating a calorie deficit.

  • Michelle says:

    I am very overweight (5’2″ and 268) and while doing research on Insanity, found that the reviews say for me to try T25 because Insanity is not for weight loss but rather cardio training. Which do you think would be most beneficial for me to start with? Thanks for your input!

    • Chris says:

      Hey there. I think T25 would be better to start because there is a modifier. Basically the one woman Tanya does some modified moves that are not as intense. So people who are not as in great shape or have a few more pounds to lose can follow along better without getting burnt out or frustrated. You will lose more weight doing insanity since it is longer and you burn more calories, but I think T25 would be perfect for you! Let me know what you decide.

  • daeleen says:

    Hi Chris, I’m 46 and have lower back issues, I use to be a gym junkie in my 20’s, then in my 30’s I was busy with work and family and a lot of personal grief, now I’m in my 40’s, I’ve done zumba. I even became and instructor, then due to many years of hairdressing my body is now suffering, so now I’m a Pilates lover and I walk for 50mins 5 days a week but I’m getting bored, so my question is will T25 be an achievable workout for me

    • Chris says:

      I really think all you can do is try. Maybe you can mix it in with pilates so you are getting the intense high interval training with T25 and the more slower paced pilates. Make sense? One day T25 next pilates etc…

  • sammy says:

    hey guys i am doing beachbody butt lift since 3mths now i want to combine it with focus t 25 because i think 25 min workout is not enough in brazil lift i like specially high tight ,sculft so i want to add both with t it ok i am34yr wt is 143lbs and want to reduce 20lbs

    • Chris says:

      If you can handle it then go for it! It is all about knowing your body and how you will respond to the extra work.

      T25 def tightens those glutes for sure!! 😉

  • Miley says:

    Hi Chris,
    I am not out of the shape,I exercise regularly but what I really want to do is building some muscles …. specially legs and butt. Does T25 going to help with?? please give your best advice!

    • Chris says:

      Yeah of course! You are going to get tight and toned with T25 for sure. Now if your are looking to really beef up and put some slabs of muscle on then T25 is not the best bet, but you will get stronger and toned for sure!

  • Tracy says:


    I am on my fifth day of t25 and my lower back and hips are very achy. Is this normal? I do some of the modifies. Any advice for me.

    • Chris says:

      Well if you have not been doing any sort of fitness, I would say yes the first 2 weeks will be tough and you will feel pretty sore.

      Now soreness is good… if there is “pain” then stop. Pain being where you cannot do a move without it really hurting. Make sense?

      After those 2 weeks you will feel like a new person.

  • Katherine says:

    Hello! I am religiously doing the workouts and am on my last week of alpha today!! Although I am doing them consistently and hardley ever take breaks or not go 100% I still feel like I’m not getting results. Also, when I am doing things with legs and arms and Shaun T says feel it in your abs, I never do so I could possibly be doing something wrong. Let me know if you have any advice thank you! I should also add I am a 20 year old college athlete. 5’4” 125 lbs if that makes any difference.

    • Chris says:

      Hey nice work getting to the end of Alpha! First what results are you going after? Your measurements sound like you are pretty fit. Of course make sure your diet is in check. The other thing is how do your clothes fit etc…. Sometimes when you are in good shape and you look at yourself everyday it is tough to see those changes, but when your clothes fit better then you know. The other thing about feeling it in your abs is… at least I know for me it really took me awhile to get the core/ab strength to know they were really there lol. Then one day I was like oh wow I can really squeeze and feel it. You are 4 weeks in so at the end of the day you are only half way through. Keep up with it. THis is the point where you should be seeing REAL Change. Keep me posted!

  • Hey chris,
    I have some lower back issue. doing some physio advised exercise daily.
    can you tell me T25 is safe for me. i am 32 .
    and regularly i am doing some skipping and dips. should i go with t25, actually i wanna do it.
    Help me dear.

    • Chris says:

      I would say give it a shot and follow the modifier which is less impact.

      If you are skipping rope then you should do just fine!

  • Ali says:

    Hi, I saw this T25 thingy on Dr. Oz. Not sure if it’s for me so thought I’d ask you. I’m 50, female and 60lbs. overweight. Is this what I need? can I do this if I’m totally out of shape but have doctor clearance to begin exercising? Thanks!

    • Chris says:

      Hey this Ali, like I had mentioned above there is a person who does the modified moves which are a bit easier, but still work you.

      I would say go at your own pace and if you need breaks you take them. The first 2 weeks are going to be tough regardless so just put in the time and make it happen!

      You can do it!

  • Sheila says:

    Hi. I’m thinking about purchasing T25. I turn 40 soon. I have been a yo-yo dieter for a few years. I went very low carb (VLC) (25 carbs per day to put me into ketosis). I lost 40 lbs & gained it back sooo fast after. I haven’t worked out for awhile…and for some reason my knee & hip just started to hurt a little today. Do you think this workout would be appropriate for me? Hopefully I can still lose weight after being VLC. Super bummed right now. Thanks for any advise you can give!

    • Chris says:

      Hey there Sheila. Well you can follow Tanya who does the modified moves which are lower impact.

      Yeah I say this all the time on my site here…. this has to become a lifestyle change. Sure you can do some strict crazy diet for awhile and lose 40lbs, but like you said you can gain it right back.

      You really have to focus on eating clean…. cutting out junk, soda, sugars processed food and getting on a good workout program.

      Of course you are going to screw up… eat bad… miss some workouts etc… but that is OK you just need to start it back up and not let a few bad days turn into a few bad months or years! I know I had my share of those!!

      It is a slow process. If you put on 50lbs in a year or two you have to expect it might just take 6 months to a year to burn it back off.

      I think once you find a good balance it will become the norm for you.

      Hope that helps!

  • Parrish Smith says:

    I’m 18 years old and am wanting to get in shape. I’m naturally thin but I can’t run more that half a mile without taking a break so I feel I need a change. I’ve been doing Low carb with my boyfriend for a few months and he’s lost almost 80 pounds and I’ve lost 15 but I’m worried that T25 will be too intense or too hard on my joints. Do you think T25 or Insanity would be better for someone like me?

  • Sandy says:

    Hi Chris-
    I have been going T25 for 3 weeks now and I feel like I have gained weight, though I admit I haven’t weighed myself. My pants are fitting tighter on my thighs and a little around my stomach. Any advise?

    • Chris says:

      Hey there! Well you could be building muscle for sure and filling out the pants, but hope is toning muscle and losing fat.

      How has the diet been? I tell everyone here at the end of the day it will come down to diet…. calories in and calories out… Even if you were to do T25 4 times a day, but still eat 2 pizza pies and ice cream you will have a calorie surplus not a deficit which is what you need to lose fat.

  • Cindy says:

    I really want to try this program out….but I want to know if its hard on your knees? Insanity was great and i did yhe whole thing and lost around 23lbs on a good healty diet. The thing is that during the workout my knees would crack and i never had issues with my knees before….although it wasn’t painful and i did get results i just don’t wanna damage my knees by doing insanity again or if i purchase T25.

  • Suzy says:

    Hi Chris, great site.

    I was a gym rat and was even certified to teach aerobics until my second pregnancy. I am also working full time now. I literally went from exercise every day to none with the schedule I have now trying to manage the job and 2 kids. That excuse is not flying anymore, the baby is now 9 months old and I need to get moving again. Time is a big issue so I am looking at P90X3 vs T25. Which one would you go with?

    • Chris says:

      Suzy! Congrats on the baby! Time flies…. my guys are 4 1/2, 2 and 6 months now! Yikes!

      I would say this… if I was stranded on an island with a laptop/dvd player “of course” I would bring along P90X3… It just has more variety and a bit more use of weights. Either workout will get you in great shape, but that is my 2 cents lol

      I did a review of P90X3 here as well

      Let me know what you choose and good luck!

  • Loz says:

    I am currently on week 4 of T25 but i dont want my bum to get smaller i want it bigger and rounder, i was doing weight routines before for bigger glutes, should i still be doing these? I feel T25 is shrinking my bum which will be from fat loss, but would doing weighted exercises at the same time to build glute muscle be overworking them making them even smaller or would it have the effect im looking for? also how often would you add these in? please help!Thanks

  • Rhyan G says:

    Hi there!

    I’m reading a lot of mixed reviews about the t25 and I needed a little feedback. So I completed the 60day Insanity workout and absolutely loved it. I loved basically everything about it and I was really seeing and noticing results at the end- as were my friends and family.
    I would totally do the video workout again and again, but now I’m back at school and I’m in an apartment (3rd floor). There was too much jumping around for me to try and do that here… I was looking into the t25 because someone said it is better for an apartment- is that true?

    Also, I stopped workout for a month and noticed I was putting my weight back on- all my fault- will this get me back into the “toned” shape that Insanity got me in?


    • Chris says:

      Hey congrats on insanity. Well T25 you are def going to be jumping around and making some noise. If you were to follow Tanya in the modified moves you are not really jumping so maybe you can just follow the modified moves. Better than nothing right! Or just do it and wait for somebody to yell at you LOL!! You could also find out when the people below will not be home and schedule your workout time around that. Even with the noise its only 25 minutes 😉

  • Shane Flores says:

    Hi! I’m asian, female, 27 yrs old 4’10” and started at 134.2 lbs. I took photos on my first day of T25 and keep comparing it with my latest photos and currently in the middle of the 4th week of Alpha. I can see a huge difference especially on my mid section but I don’t want to weigh myself just yet. I plan to weigh myself at the end of Beta. I was just wondering, I’m trying to get pregnant. Will this workout improve my chances by getting fit? And what if I get pregnant within the next few weeks, must I continue the workout or would I be at risk of miscarriage? Thanks!

    • Chris says:

      Hey there congrats on getting to where you are. Honestly these types of answers always start with see your DOCTOR! I truly believe eating healthy and being in good physical condition will always help with trying to get pregnant. I also know that exercising while pregnant is usually ok as well, usually you don’t want to start up extreme programs if you have never done them before, but again you really need to ask your doctor since they will know your health better. Good luck with all you do.

  • AndyP says:

    Hey, I’m 20 and never done any of these work outs before, and I’m not a gym regular either. But I’d love to get fit again for next summer. Do you think hat T25 would be a good place to start, or would Insanity or another programme be better? Thanks

  • Karmen says:

    Hello, I’ve just finished Alpha, and was able to see results. I’m now working weird hours that makes it hard to begin Beta T25 daily… will this prohibit my progress?

    • Chris says:

      Of course it will.. I mean doing it a few times a week is better than none. I think the biggest thing is to make sure your diet is good during the days you cannot get in a good workout.

      You could always do a double session instead of one.

  • Amanda says:

    On 3rd day of t25 I must say I feel great that im Doing something and am following the 5 day fast track meal and workout plan… however my main concern is that I can’t get half of the moves they are doing…they move so fast and then it’s over..I get very frustrated becuz I want results and am just worried that I won’t get them if I don’t nail it..but i have to listen to my body and take breaks or I’d collapse…any advice?

    • Chris says:

      Ha I hear ya! I found by the second week I was doing the moves a lot better. You can always switch to Tanya who does the modified moves.

      The last thing you want to do is hurt yourself and set your progress back… Another thing you can do is if you have the time… hit pause or rewind and try to get the moves done. Of course you won’t finish in 25 minutes, but you can get a better hang of the moves.

      Awhile back I did the insanity asylum program and they had a whole DVD dedicated to showing you how to do the moves. I did not want to do it, but after I did the moves came a lot easier. So…. maybe take a day and spend an hour just going over some of the moves that are really hard. Once you get it you GOT IT!!!

  • Rachel says:

    You lost me at “grab a cup of coffee”. Not healthy

    • Chris says:

      Rachel c’mon now 😉 I am sure we could both talk about this for hours, but at the end of the day coffee is not bad for you… in fact there are a lot of studies out there today that state the opposite of what you stated.

      BUT… this is a big but! All in moderation… nobody should be drinking coffee all day long for energy and…. coffee should not be loaded with sugar and cream. That is where most people go off track by adding empty calories to get their caffeine fix. I think if you can drink your coffee in the morning and pre workout you are ok. All in moderation…

      Not sure if you ever heard of Bulletproof coffee. Pretty interesting actually. I have yet to give it a go, but it is on my list of things to try. Take a peak

  • Christie says:

    I am just finishing up week 1 of T25. Most of it was awesome. The AB intervals were rather rough. I am almost 40. Mother of 5. Grandmother of 1. I work full time and I am a competitive ballroom dancer. I’m not looking to lose alot, just tone up mostly. Also I’m helping to keep my oldest daughter motivated to work on her health and weight loss goals. After beta, would we go to gamma, or should we continue this program again maybe on a slightly less strict schedule to maintain?

    • Chris says:

      Nice work! I think it is really up to you. Some people can really keep doing the same routines over and over, but you might get bored. I say go for gamma if you are feeling good, but if you need to slow it down to maintain then by all means do that. I see a lot of people get burned out because they go 5-6 days a week for 2 or 3 months then feel like they have to go that hard all the time when the truth is you can take a break and you need a break mentally and physically. So go with how you feel and do a week or two of make 3 -4 days a week instead and see how you feel. Keep it up!

  • Charles says:

    I have done p90x about 5 years ago. Since I have not been all that active. I need to drop 30lbs and start eating right. I have done it in the past but it is hard to get started back and stay with it. I work 80 hours a week. Can I do this? I think I need to.

    • Chris says:

      Whoa buddy!! 80 hours a week!! How much sleep are you getting?

      Can you do it and actually doing it are 2 different things…. of course you CAN do it, you just need to figure out when and keep it up.

      If you are working that much I would imagine that getting your workout done first thing in the morning would be best! That is how I do it because by the time I get home, get the kids in bed Im toast!!

      Let me know what you come up with!

      Also remember… It is a 25 minute workout. I know you can find 25 minutes…. and hey even if you do just 10 or 15 at first it is better than doing nothing!

  • Humberto Rios says:

    Thanx for the reviews !!! They’ve been helpful. I don’t know if you are familiar with Tapout XT, but I did it, then T25 Alpha and Beta and now I’m about to start T25 Gamma, I found a Tapout/Insanity Hibryd calendar and I’m planning on doing it, what do you think about it ? Should I ?

    • Chris says:

      Oh nice man I did tap out awhile back, well not the whole thing, but for about 3 weeks. It was a tough program for sure. I enjoyed it. I think a hybrid sounds good just make sure you watch your knees and what not. I find a lot of people will create these hyrbids, but they don’t realize they are giving the same body parts a workout to close together.

      You don’t want to overdue it and burnout or worse injure yourself.

  • AJ says:

    Hi Chris, I just finished my first week of T-25. Love it!!! I have to do the work out at 8-8:30 pm . I am eating pretty healthy. My main goal is weight loss. Is it wise to drink Whey Protein after to work out since it is later at night?

    • Chris says:

      Yeah that is fine… your body needs good stuff after you workout! Try to look at our total calorie intake during the day and how many calories you burn at night. Figure out your BMR basal metabolic rate to figure out how to create a calorie deficit.

  • Patricia says:

    Hi Chris,

    I have just started T25 and today marks week two. I am sore but, it is a good sore. I am 5′ tall and am weighing too much, 190 to be exact. I used to do Pilate’s six days a week and rode a bike every evening as well. I lost a ton of weight. That was years ago. I am now back to being overweight and am trying to get back on track for good. If I did Pilate’s in the mornings and T25 in the evenings would that be too much? Just curious.

    Thank you so much!

  • ashley says:

    How can I join a challenge group? I’m on my third week of t25 and loving it. I can feel a difference already. I would love to join a challenge group with other people ghost through the t25 10 week challange.

  • Nicole says:

    I want to lose 25 pounds the most, but gain muscle asap! which would help me meet my goal?

    • Chris says:

      Yeah this is a good mix… you are getting killer cardio with some resistance thrown in there… Depending on what you mean by gaining muscle you may need to incorporate some more lifting down the road.

  • Danny R. says:

    Great Review on the Programs!

    Question – I just started T25 and enjoy it. I do find myself struggling a bit to try and get some of the moves down. Some of them do seem kind of “Dancy” (if that’s a word), so I will watch the person performing the modified method of the exercise and by the time I get the move down their onto the next exercise. Any suggestions with this, is this common with Shaun T’s workouts?



    • Chris says:

      Ha Danny I hear ya man!! Some moves def take some getting used to even the modified ones… I look at it like this… even if you are bopping around like a chicken with its head cut off you are burning calories! haha jk

      If you can just try and slow it down to understand the move. You can even pause it or rewind. No biggy… you will get it down soon enough

  • Jason says:

    Hi! I am currently doing T25 in the alpha phase. My stamina is not so good, so I usually break each 25min session into several components. For example, I usually take a 10 min take after every 5 min of training. I really cannot keep up the whole 25 min training together. I would like to know whether my approach would be effective in shaping my body figure. Thank you for your time.

    • Chris says:

      Hey as long as you are getting it done! In time you will get the stamina… sometimes you just have to push. If you know you cannot go further then take the break. Just make sure it does not become a mental block… Like you know the break is coming etc…. if you can try to push your 10 min to 11 min then 12 min etc…. You want to be feeling a bit uncomfortable, that will get you to the next level.

      Keep up the great work!

  • Alex says:

    Hi Chris,

    I am doing T25, starting week 4 today and I have lost 5 pounds so far only..i have lost quite a few inches. Is this normal? As I am a large lady and now weight 207 pounds so i expected to lose more weight. I log my food on myfitnesspal and have a fitbit trackets to help..thanks

    • Chris says:

      Hey there great work! How are the clothes fitting? When you log your food are you in a calorie deficit?

      Keep it up! You are right there…

    • Daniela says:

      I have just started t25 1 week ago. This is my second beach body program (the first one was Insanity which i completed almost a year ago). I cannot say what will happen with T25, but I can tell you that one of my many struggles with Insanity was weight loss. I had about 20 pounds to loose and I think I only lost like 7 pounds or so. In the beggining I was actually putting on weight! it had me very discouraged and I kept telling my husband that I was going to drop it. he kept telling me that he could see the difference in my body but I was so focused on the scale I didn’t notice myself. I can tell you for a fact that after I stopped weighing myself I did much better! In the end, my clothes fit so much better, so loose, I had a better definition and for a fact I can tell you that I might have not lost that much weight overall, but I did loose a lot of “fat” weight, and gained muscle weight. So keep it up and dont be discouraged. Clothes are the best indicator of your progress, ditch the scale! The weight will come off on its own.

  • nirma says:

    Hi I am currently doing T25 and in the alpha phase. I am only doing the modified version of each workout, and last night I barely completed the Total Body Circuit workout. I can’t do push ups..not at all…not the modified and certainly not the regular ones. I felt really disappointed because I had to skip so much of the workout due to this. I am online looking for a modifier for the modified push up! I’m guessing this will affect my results too…. Have I mentioned that I’m so disappointed?…anyway please let me know if you know of any modifier for these horrid push ups 🙁

    • Chris says:

      Hey there at least you are doing your best! Nice job! I know this might sound silly, but you can do them again the wall. Adjust your legs accordingly and go from there. How long have you been doing T25?

      • nirma says:

        Well, I just started this week! This is my first of any type of Shaun T workout. I expect over time that my fitness level will progress to the point of being able to do the mod push ups. Last night I could do the planks with more strength so I can tell I am building my strength and endurance already and its only been 4 workouts so far. For now this is a great idea… the wall push ups..i can do this!! In fact I used to do them at the gym. Thanks so much.

      • lily says:

        Hello Chris! I also have trouble doing the push ups since my palms are so sweaty and they keep sliding even if I use the yoga mat. Any ideas? Thanks by the ways for a very helpful review.

        • FitDadChris says:

          Get a towel? lol… yeah I am not really sure, maybe just lay a towel where your hands will go and dry them off as best as you can? Even some chalk like powerlifters use might help.

    • Daniela says:

      Nirma! dont be disappointed at all! I had never worked out in my entire life (except for a few months here and there when I would join the gym and then drop off), and then when I turned 30 I decided to try Insanity. needless to say, I could barely follow them and push ups where unthinkable. by the end of the program I was able to do 15 push ups straight (which for me was such an incredible accomplishment! when I had startted I had ZERO strength, my core was unexistant. Then I stopped excersing again and have recently started T25, aalmost a year later. I have lost a lot of what i had gained (I can now only do about 5 or six pushups and then I have to use modifier), but I am sure I will get better and so will you! Persevere and you will get there! 🙂

  • Akbar Aziz says:

    I am 54,now 202 pounds, started at 228,lost some weight with watching what I eat, Walking and Gym. I have started and finished my first week of T25,I jump between regular and modified. Hoping to get down to 180, I have kind a platoed at around 200,do you think T 25 with my other activities will do the trick.

    • Chris says:

      Hey great work! Yeah T25 should kick that metabolism into high gear. Try tweaking your diet around too. Not sure how you eat, but if you are aiming for a specific amount of calories everyday try and mix that up once in awhile to trick your body up.

  • Kev says:

    I do 20 minutes of elliptical/treadmill with my 7 year old every morning before he goes to school because it has done wonders in improving his focus.

    I’m looking to mix things up a little so he stays interested (and so I do too). As a father, do you think t25 is too intense for a normal, active 7 year old boy?

    • Chris says:

      Yeah I think it is to be honest. Maybe do some situps and teach him pushups etc…. maybe some other basic moves to make it interesting, but the full blown workout I think is a bit much at this point!

  • Steve Harpold says:

    Chris. Thanks for all the information. You rock! I am 64, though not in terrible shape overall. I just ordered T-25. I am psyched but my fiance is concerned that it may be too intense for someone of my age. Comments?

    • Chris says:

      Too intense?? You are getting married at 64!! Doesn’t get much more intense than that! hahaha JK

      I would just follow the modifier, ask your Doctor of course and don’t push it. Go at your own pace and see how your body reacts.

      It is intense so if you have never done anything like this just be aware of your body. Maybe even grab a heart rate monitor.

    • Cheryl says:

      Chris is right, listen to your body. I had knee surgery about 3 months ago and I am almost finished with week 4 of T25. I really watch it when it comes to my knee and it lets me know if I am pushing it. Your body will do the same thing. Just listen to Shaun as he is constantly telling you to go at your own pace. Good for you to be 64 and wanting to do this! I love T25, I hope you do too!!! Good Luck

  • Hugo says:

    Hello Chris! Im on the 4th week of alpha cycle, and i havent loss weight :/ i feel my legs and butt tighter than before but i want to losw weight, any tip? Im not on a diet but i eat more healthy and less junk food

    • Matt says:

      What is your caloric intake like? you may have heard the old saying to lose weight you need to eat less and do more exercise, well that is true as you’ll need to have a negative energy balance. also what kind of foods are you eating? one more thing, when it comes to these sorts of workouts you shouldn’t focus so much around the scales and more on the tape measure. 🙂

        • Cheryl says:

          I agree Matt! I am just about finished with week 4 of T25 and I have lost 7 pounds but I have lost 3 inches off my waist (great start)!!!!! I think Alpha is a starting platform and Beta is where I am going to see awesome results!

      • Renee says:

        I definitely agree Chris. I am starting on my second week of T25 and I have not lost a significant amount of weight yet, but I have already lost close to an inch off of my waist! So you are right when you say that with a workout like this the tape measure is a truer number than the scale!

  • Daniela says:

    Hey Chris,

    I just started T25 about a week ago. I did Insanity about a year ago, and even though I really liked the results, I found it very hard on my knees (I had never exercised before and have a bad left knee which bothers me from time to time), so when T25 came out and they mentioned a modifier, I thought it would be great for my knee. Even though I have not really exercised for a while and I have lost a lot of my resistance and endurance, I find it that if I modify, it is not as challenging for me, but if I do not, I either find them extremely hard to keep up with (especially the lower focus- I have no strength in my legs whatsoever) or they involve jumping and I am afraid to hurt my knee again. What are your thoughts? I have heard Insanity Max30 is more challenging, even the modifier moves, do you think that that is something I should try?

    • Chris says:

      Ah the old knees!! I hear ya! Are you pretty flexible? I find a lot of knee issues can be from being very inflexible as well as bad form.

      When every you do the squatting moves always try to keep the heel down and your toes up and never lean forward.

      Max30 is tough because you are trying to push to your Max, but you can do that in T25 if you want as well. I think you might have to find the right balance between modified and the regular workout.

      Why not do the main moves if they don’t hurt for as long as you can even if it is 5 seconds then switch to modified and so on.

      Also you are only a week in. Those first two weeks are the toughest! Your body is sore and wants to know WTH you are doing to it 😉 So just stick with it, get sleep, eat the right foods and you will do great!

  • Dana says:

    Hi Chris.
    I wanted to ask you something :
    1. I read all your reviews but i kind of did not understood what is the differnce between INSANITY WORKOUTS.
    i just tried the Insanity ( i love it .. just i hate the jumping parts as i think is not good for my back ). can you please explain me in 3-4 words how are this workouts ?

    2. les mills programs ( especially b. pump) can be bought online for people leaving in the UK?

  • Nay says:

    Hi Chris

    I’ve just started T25 this week along with the 5 day fast track nutrition.

    I’ve always been a gym-goer so I wondered if it would be overkill going to the gym say on sat or sunday as well as doing T25?

    My abs also arent aching too much from the ab intervals, I definitely found it hard but tried my best. Any idea why?

    Thanks 🙂

    • FitDadChris says:

      I would say listen to your body. If you are a regular then you know the signs to look for. Since it is only 25 mins I think you can easily do what you are looking to do with no issues. Keep me posted.

  • tonyxnll199 says:

    i want to reduce the size of my breast and hips and butt and belly does t25 achieve that

    • Ashley Burton says:

      Cardio is the only thing that can burn fat so yes!!!You’ll get toned hips and butt and bc you’ll loose weight you’ll loose fat (boobs are just fat )??

      • J says:

        Not true, muscle burns fat. If you weight train before cardio you will burn more. All leading trainers will tell you that you can’t get good results without cardio and muscular workouts.

        • FitDadChris says:

          Well it all comes down to a handful of things… yes having more muscle will burn more fat.. cardio will burn more calories… and putting it all together will make you a fat burning machine lol.

          Do cardio, hit some weights… eat clean 75-80% of the time and you will see amazing results!

        • S. Smith says:

          You cannot build muscle and burn fat simultaneously. If you weight train, but you are at a calorie deficit (because you are trying to burn fat/lose weight), you won’t build muscle. You need a calorie surplus in order to build muscle. But strength/resistance training combined with cardio will result in less muscle loss that might happen if you partake in cardio by itself.

  • Matteo says:

    I live in Italy and I’d like to try P90X DVDs…
    Is there any way to receive them here?

    Thank you in advance

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