Chocolate Shakeology
Right off the bat I will say that Chocolate Shakeology is my favorite. When I first started drinking shakeology back in 2012 there was no vanilla. Vanilla is always my go to flavor for anything new, but chocolate it was and even after Team Beachbody came out with the new vanilla flavor it could not beat out my new found love for choco!
I will not sit here and list off all the info you can see on the main site since anyone can get that. I will list a few bullet points and I will talk about some of my favorite recipes. At the end of the day either you like the way it tastes or you don't. Knowing what is in chocolate shakeology alone is enough to drink it.
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Chocolate Shakeology Nutrition Facts – Click Here To See The Full Ingredient List
Quick Nutrition Facts
- Calories – 160
- Total Fat – 2g
- Total Carbs – 17 g (Dietary Fiber 6 g / sugars 6 g)
- Protein – 17 g
- Sodium 150mg
Few Of My Chocolate Shakeology Recipes
This is pretty much my daily go to recipe.
Banana PB/Almond
- 1 scoop choco shakeology
- 1 banana
- 1 scoop peanut butter or almond butter “depends how I am feeling ;-)”
- 8 oz water
- 1/2 cup ice
- Blend that puppy!
Blueberry Baby
- 1 Scoop Choco shakeology
- Handful fresh blueberries
- 1 banana
- 8 oz water
- 1/2 cup ice
Cinnamon Shaker
- 1 Scoop Shakeology
- 8 Oz Water
- 1/2 cup ice
- Few good shakes of cinnamon
- Few squirts of honey
Those are just a few that I do often. I have tried many others and you can visit the shakeology recipe section for more. I am pretty plain so I would say the banana/pb one is what I have 90% of the time and after almost 2 years I am still not tired of it.
How about you? Do you like chocolate? Have a favorite recipe to share?
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About the Author
Jack of all trades... master of none! Father of 3 awesome boys, husband to 1 amazing wife! Obstacle racer, procrastinator, computer nerd, trying not to follow the herd!