Powdered Peanut Butter
Oh my goodness! For the longest time I have wanted to try powered peanut butter, but it was one of those things I just never got around to. Now trust me! I eat my fair share of peanut butter! In fact I eat peanut butter pretty much everyday! I use them in my shakes when I make them which usually entails me scooping a bit extra to eat straight 😉 and maybe a scoop or two at other times.
Not the worst thing in the world right? I also eat organic peanut butter. The only thing is in it is PB. No extra sugars oils etc…..
In fact…. side story here. When I got my vitamix blender I really wanted to try and make my own peanut butter since that monster of a blender can actually blend peanuts into butter! Pretty awesome! So I knew we had a glass jar of peanuts in the cabinet and I gave it a go! It made amazing, creamy peanut butter! So I am thinking cool, straight butter from real peanuts. Then I looked at the ingredients on the bottle and holy moly, the amount of “extra stuff” in there was insane! Not natural at all.
OK back to the powdered stuff! I was lucky enough to get a Ginormous tub of Naked PB from Naked Nutrition who has an awesome protein shake recipe here on our site….
Ha so the first thing I did was take a spoonful of the powdered and gobble it down! Don't do that… well unless you have a glass of milk handy lol. It is yummy, but straight spoon of powder to the mouth is pretty tough!
I have been using it in my morning Shakeology shake, and my nightly protein snack. It is really really good!! Even my kids like it! I have 3 boys under 6. I first snuck it in there milk and they said “Dad whoa what is this? It's yummy!” my 3 year old said, “me LOVE it!” lol… kids gotta love em.
So here is why I think this is a great product.
What is so special about powdered pb?
- I did not realize it, but since the peanuts are pressed a good amount of the oils and fat are removed to give you more protein per serving. <<< I like this because I might over indulge in my peanut-butter obsession so by using this in my shakes I am lowering the fat intake and actually increasing the protein!
- Not all PB powders, but the Naked Nutrition one is made from??? well you guessed it… PEANUTS and only PEANUTS!
- 50 calories , 1.5 grams fat, 6 grams of protein per serving. Serving = 2 Tbsp
- When you look at regular peanut butter “depends on brand” you are looking at about 210 calories, 16 grams fat, and 6-8 grams protein. Pretty significant difference in calories & fat!
So again there is nothing wrong with Peanut Butter whatsoever, but if you have been looking to cut back on your reg PB Fix then trying powdered PB is worth a shot!
Naked PB has 76 servings for around $22 a tub
Depending on what brand of reg PB you get you might be looking at around $5-7 “also depends if organic” etc… and about 12-14 servings… so in the long run you can save a few bucks with a big tub of powdered PB.
So that is my 2 cents on powdered PB. Give it a shot and let me know what you think.
You can learn more about the Naked brand here https://nkdnutrition.com/products/powdered-peanut-butter
Stay tuned for reviews on there protein powders as well. I grabbed a sweet sample box and need to drink em up!
About the Author
Jack of all trades... master of none! Father of 3 awesome boys, husband to 1 amazing wife! Obstacle racer, procrastinator, computer nerd, trying not to follow the herd!