Jay Robb Whey Protein | Is It The Best Quality Protein?

Jay Robb Whey Protein


Umm… think I like this protein?

If you have been looking for a great quality protein powder then I think you should pay attention.

  • Why I love Jay Robb protein powder?
  • Is it the best protein powder around?
  • Is it gluten free?
  • Who is this guy Jay Robb?

Well if you look at the picture >>> then you will see I have quite the addiction with JayRobb protein. OK not really an addiction. Basically they offer an auto ship type deal where you save 20% on orders and free shipping. It is pretty sweet!! You can check it out here. It really is in my opinion one of the best protein powders around. All ingredients are top notch as you will see below and there is no filler junk or anything imported from China like the majority of protein on the market.

Anyways I was getting 1 a month, then my wife was sneaking some from me so I upped it to 2 a month. While my wife was half way through her pregnancy she stopped and over the holidays I was replacing this with VERY BAD things to eat LOL.

So now I have a lot left… it is all good. On a normal day I will usually have a scoop mixed with P90X results & recovery formula, and then I usually mix another one up at about 9pm ish. So really 2 a day when I am staying on track with the diet.

jay-robb-whey-ingredientsWhy I Chose Jay Robb

  • Long story short years ago I was breaking out in hives… so I had to figure out what was up and I was staying away from milk, so I tried the Jay Robb egg white protein which was awesome! Oh  and it turns out I have a sulfite allergy… no wine for me 🙁
  • I always like this brand and the ingredient list is short and quality!
  • They use stevia vs sucrolose which is awesome.
  • It has a great amino acid profile, 25 grams of protein, and only 110 calories.
  • And…. It tastes great!!

Here is some more info taken from the Jay Robb website.

“Jay Robb Non-GMO Vanilla Whey Protein Isolate powder is made from the finest natural ingredients available and delivers 25 grams of first class protein, 0-fat, 0-cholesterol, 0-sugars, and only 1 gram of carbohydrate per 30 gram serving. Only cold-processed cross-flow microfiltered whey protein isolate is used as the protein source and this material comes from farm-raised, pasture-grazed, grass-fed cows not treated with the synthetic bovine growth hormone rBGH.”

I wanted to post about this because I get asked a lot if I drink protein shakes etc…. On a daily basis I drink Jay-Robb and Shakeology . You will here so many people say you don't need protein shakes or supplements etc… Well I do and I use them and when I am using them consistently, with a great workout regimen and a clean diet I feel SOOO GOOD!

So if you are looking for a great protein shake at a great price then give Jay Robb a shot. Check out the site here https://www.jayrobb.com

Would love to hear some feedback if you have tried this protein. Let me have it!



About the Author


Jack of all trades... master of none! Father of 3 awesome boys, husband to 1 amazing wife! Obstacle racer, procrastinator, computer nerd, trying not to follow the herd!

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  • MJ says:

    Have you ever noticed the double ** on the front for rBGH Free and then read on the back what this means? Have you ever requested and received documentation for “Grass-Fed” and “non-GMO”?

    • Chris says:

      No I actually never have, but I will check it out. No I have never asked for the documentation.

      …ahh OK I just look. I guess you are talking about when supplies are short?

      All I can say is the ingredients are still a cut above the rest. I guess if you really wanted to know the exact source of your batch of protein you would have to call them and ask. I doubt I will ever do that lol 😉

  • CRM says:

    Just curious….why do you use both types of shakes: Jay Robb’s AND Shakeology? Do you prefer one over the other? I started using Jay Robb’s whey protein a couple of years ago, and thus far, have found that it is one of the cleanest whey protein mixes on the market. I’m not as familiar with Shakeology, but of course I hear a lot about it, and have only consumed the mix because a friend asked me to try it. Is it really worth that amount of money when you can add extra, healthy ingredients with a great deal of nutrients to Jay Robb’s protein mixes? Thank you!

    • Chris says:

      Hey there! Jay Robb is definitely a great whey protein, but does not have anywhere near the nutrients, pre/pro biotic, antioxidants that shakeology has. For a quick overview you can go here https://fitdadchris.com/what-is-shakeology/

      Shakeology is great, but in my opinion a waste to drink more than one a day unless you are doing the 3 day cleanse. Jay Robb is not a meal replacement per say and I find I like to have my Jay Robb as a snack and some for a pre workout when I get up.

      Does that make sense ? lol

  • Alan says:

    I do like the J Rob protiens I stay leaner on them but like Intek protien but can’t find much info on it, thought you may have tried or have info on it

    • FitDadChris says:

      Hey Alan no I have not. Most proteins out there have a lot of filler/artificial junk in them so I never buy a big bottle of anything like that, but try a sample if I get one here and there.

      Still love the Jay Robb. I recently ran out of it and did not have a delivery coming for a week so I grabbed BodyLogix Vanilla from GNC. Real good, but I like the Jay Robb better.

      • Alan says:

        Thanks for the info, it’s hard to stay up on all the protiens they are constantly changing and I’m all about natural , non gmo , grass fed , cold filtered , etc. , but I can’t find much on Intek which makes me a little leary about it, i do stay leaner on jay Rob but heavier (bloated) on Intek which makes me wonder how good it is, what do you think about JR egg protien,?, my. Email is ch**********@ya***.com, do u trust the GNC products?

  • Vanette says:

    Have you ever tried Les Mill whey protein? I was trying to compare Jay Robb to Les Mills for quality/price. We use Shakeology and Jay Robb also. When I keep on track with those and my exercise plan, it makes a huge difference!

    • FitDadChris says:

      Hey Vanette no I have never tried Les Mills. Didn’t even know they made that, but I will have to check out! Oh yeah for sure, when I can stay consistent and have my shake at night as a snack instead of “bad stuff” it makes all the difference!

  • Annette says:

    Which is the best protein by Jay Robb? Which flavor do you like best?

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